Security Information Sharing in Smart Grids: Persisting Security Audits to the Blockchain

Marín-López, Andrés and Chica-Manjarrez, Sergio and Arroyo, David and Almenares-Mendoza, Florina and Díaz-Sánchez, Daniel

  author = {Mar\'in-L{\'{o}}pez, Andr{\'{e}}s and Chica-Manjarrez, Sergio and Arroyo, David and Almenares-Mendoza, Florina and D\'iaz-S{\'{a}}nchez, Daniel},
  journal = {Electronics},
  mendeley-groups = {CYNAMON},
  number = {11},
  pages = {1865},
  publisher = {Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute},
  title = {{Security Information Sharing in Smart Grids: Persisting Security Audits to the Blockchain}},
  volume = {9},
  year = {2020}